
Bound for Glory chronicles the writings of Gary B. Zelinski. Gary has long blogged about his travels with his wife, Lillian. After his father passed away due to complications of dementia, Gary started drafting his memoir, Aim High: A Love Story. He has just completed his book A Walk among Heroes: Searching for America’s Better Angels, which was inspired by the beauty, pride, and solemnity of Arlington National Cemetery. It contains touching and inspirational stories about a number of our nation’s heroes—some famous, some not—and looks beyond their extraordinary deeds to the folks whom they loved and who loved them. Gary has written numerous magazine articles and was selected to contribute a chapter to the 2023 Military Writers Society of America anthology, Snapshots. Gary’s flash fiction submission, “Then She Walked By,” recently won first place in the Camarillo Acorn’s Fiction in a Nutshell contest.

Thoughts on the train

By Gary Zelinski | February 24, 2024

Lillian and I traveled from just north of Los Angeles to Seattle on Amtrak’s Coast Starlight. One of their most scenic routes, the trip takes you up from Southern California along the Pacific Ocean, into the Salinas Valley, and up the Central Coast. From there, the train makes a brief stop at Jack London Square … Read more

More Bad Grammar

By Gary Zelinski | February 10, 2024

Grammar, Punctuation, and Etiquette Oh My! In my last post, I acted as if I revered editors. As if I wrote the post to thank them for endeavoring to make my writings more precise, concise, and, dare I say – within the bounds of proper English. That was last time, not this time. This go-around, … Read more

Grammar and Punctuation

By Gary Zelinski | January 27, 2024

Grammar and Punctuation, or should I say – {Parsing and Punctuation For the commally challenged,;}]   The following is dedicated to the incredible editors in my life. To correct this, they will have to leave more than a few things wrong. This will drive them nuts. e.e. cummings didn’t capitalize and yet became one of … Read more

Hobo’s Lullaby

By Gary Zelinski | November 4, 2023

Bums neither work nor travel. Vagrants travel but do not work. Hobos travel and sometimes work. While traveling workers have always existed in human societies, The term – hobo – can be traced to the returning veterans of the Civil War. Then, with the war finally over, hundreds of soldiers, with no money to buy … Read more


By Gary Zelinski | September 6, 2023

Everyone’s got talent. It’s embedded in our genes. I’m still waiting for my talent to surface and show itself. Now, in my mid-sixties, I hope it happens soon. Coordination is not my talent. My mind thinks at a different speed than my arms or legs. It’s not that one’s faster or slower, but somehow, the … Read more

Advice: Giving and Getting

By Amy Pistone | May 6, 2023

You were kind of asking for this one. It’s totally your fault. The world wide web and the blogosphere are full of crackpots giving advice. I’m blogging, and you’re reading. Don’t blame me. Since you asked, here are my thoughts on advice. Both giving it and, Lord forbid, actually taking it. Back in my day. … Read more