The Price of Beauty and Other Ridiculous Stuff

Before you comment– this was a display at our local Target. Talk about the third rail of human relationships! Let’s spend a few moments on women’s beauty care and their corresponding products. To get an idea of my perspective, allow me to start with my view of beauty care products for men. The personal hygiene … Read more

Air Travel

Traveling by Air? Are you going to see a distant loved one in a faraway state or country? Most likely, you’ll join the millions of others who will experience the joy of air travel. Today, however, there is nothing enjoyable about traveling by commercial airline. Let’s examine the entire miserable experience from packing, getting there, … Read more

Interesting Stuff

In case you were wondering. Here is the place Lillian and I now call home. Camarillo is a city in Ventura County, just north of Los Angeles County, along the California Coast. As of the 2020 United States Census, the population was 70,741. Camarillo is named for brothers Juan and Adolfo Camarillo, prominent Californios who … Read more

Packaging and Recycling

Packaging and Recycling These are two subjects I know little about. But you don’t have to know much before you know you don’t like something. And I don’t much care for either of these. Often, one leads to the other, but one often fails because of the other. I’ll examine one before the other as … Read more

More Bad Grammar

Grammar, Punctuation, and Etiquette Oh My! In my last post, I acted as if I revered editors. As if I wrote the post to thank them for endeavoring to make my writings more precise, concise, and, dare I say – within the bounds of proper English. That was last time, not this time. This go-around, … Read more

Grammar and Punctuation

Grammar and Punctuation, or should I say – {Parsing and Punctuation For the commally challenged,;}]   The following is dedicated to the incredible editors in my life. To correct this, they will have to leave more than a few things wrong. This will drive them nuts. e.e. cummings didn’t capitalize and yet became one of … Read more


Everyone’s got talent. It’s embedded in our genes. I’m still waiting for my talent to surface and show itself. Now, in my mid-sixties, I hope it happens soon. Coordination is not my talent. My mind thinks at a different speed than my arms or legs. It’s not that one’s faster or slower, but somehow, the … Read more